Pool Fundraiser Block Party

We are excited to announce a great opportunity for you to meet your neighbors, enjoy some good food, and support the Woodson Estates Pool. On August 26th we are going to host a block party at the pool and green-space that will be perfect for everyone. 

In addition to the games and activities we will be hosting a silent auction to help raise funds. If you have a service, good, gift card, or product you’d like to donate to the silent auction send an email to woodsonestatesboard@gmail.com. This is a great way for you to advertise your business to the neighborhood.

This fundraiser helps keep our pool open and one important aspect of the Woodson Estates Pool is the Woodson Sharks swim team. I’m so excited to let you know that our swim team won the South Suburban Swim League championship for the third year in a row! So many of the Sharks have gone on to be successful swimmers for Raytown Schools and beyond! 

Please join us and consider donating to keep our pool open, keep a piece of what makes this neighborhood attractive to others, and support these amazing young people.