News from the Board
Here's what we're talking about in our board meetingsUpdating our Bylaws
We have some very outdated bylaws that need to be changed, which will make our neighborhood more appealing.Improving the Park
Our park area needs improvement. We are discussing options we have to improve the playground and resurface the parking lot.Neighborhood Events
We are working on creating social events so you can meet the neighbors!Signage
A few of our "Woodson Estates" signs are in need of maintenance and repair. We are discussing the best options for these signs.The Budget
Your dues help do a lot of things from maintaining the park, maintaining the pool, and general upkeep of our common areas.The Pool
The board fully supports the efforts of the pool committee to ensure a safe and fun summer experience for our families.How will we update our bylaws?
We are actively collecting signatures from homeowners in the neighborhood to give the board permission to propose new and/or revised bylaws. These new and/or revised bylaws would be brought before the neighborhood at our annual meeting.
How can I see the budget?
Our budget is presented to the neighborhood each year at our annual meeting. You are able to see how each dollar is spent, on what, where, and for how much.
How can I be a part of the process?
The board is open for new members to join each year. If you have skills in accounting and administration, we are also looking for your help.