Call to Action

Dear Woodson Estates homeowners,

We are getting close to gathering enough signatures to file the updated by-laws with Jackson County. Now we are asking your help! If you could take 5 to 10 names of those around you who have not signed the documents and knock on their door to get their signatures we could get this done in a couple of weeks. We have the names broken down according to streets and can furnish the documents or you can print them from our website, just click on “Documents“.

There are two sets of updates, Amendments to the Declaration and Declaration of Restrictions. We need signatures of the owner(s), address of the property, a witness and date signed on both sets of documents. The witness can be a family member, neighbor or anyone of your choosing. The date at the top of the first page of the Amendments to the Declaration should be left blank.

Please consider helping to accomplish this much needed process. Let us know by calling 816-405-2415 and talking to Sandy Olson.