SUMMARY of April 20th, 2017 Woodson Estates Homes Association Meeting Minutes
Dates & Reminders:
- Brush Pick-up April 24th
- Garage Sale June 7th-10th
- Dumpsters September 16th.
- Bill Barnes and Sandy Olson got an email out to enlist volunteers for the pool.
- Paul Oldham is working to add email lists and online payment for assessments to the web page.
- All Documents are prepared to go to the attorney for him to verify and make corrections.
- Dumpsters are scheduled for September 16th (our original date of Sept 9th was not available).
- Formed Committees to delegate out tasks
- Set Park Hours to 8AM – 10PM
Motion 1: Approve minutes from 4/7/17 and 2/21/17
Motion: Sandy
Second: Whittney
Motion passed
Motion 2: Allow By-Laws Committee to submit the Declaration, By-Laws, and Restrictions to the attorney.
Motion: Joe Zapien
Second: Paul Landes
Motion Passed
- The Treasurer Transition Committee will work to allow our assessments to be paid online
- The Newsletter Committee will produce a newsletter to be distributed soon.
- The By-Laws Committee will plan and schedule and meeting with the attorney to have the documents updated.
- The Signature Committee is going to discuss ways to gather signature once we have the documents completed
- We will be posting our Meeting Minutes and Newsletter online. Paper copies will still be mailed out of the Newsletter.