April 6th, 2017 Meeting Minutes

SUMMARY of April 6, 2017 Woodson Estates Homes Association Board Meeting

Dates & Reminders:

  • Brush Pick-up April 24th
  • Garage Sale June 7th-10th
  • Dumpsters September 9th.


  • Thanks to Whittney Robison for taking minutes.
  • All invoices for assessments have been sent out by Sandy Olson.
  • Pool Committee rose over $9000 for pool repairs. Special thanks to Jennifer Crosby and Kathy Markley for their work.
  • Web page rebuilt by Paul Oldham.


Motion 1: Allow Pool Committee to use their funds to make pool repairs.

Motion: Paul Landes

Second: Sandy Olson

Motion Passed

Motion2:  Have orientation for the new board members

Motion: Whittney Robison

Second: Paul Landes

Motion Passed

Motion 3: Table the Election of Officers

Motion: Joe Jimenez

Second: Whittney Robison

Motion Passed

Motion 4: Schedule Garage Sale for June 7th-10th to coincide with Timber Valley’s Garage Sale

Motion: Sandy Olson

Second: Whittney Robison



  • Bill Barnes and Sandy Olson agreed to get an email out to the Woodson Estates email list to enlist volunteers for the pool.
  • Paul Oldham is continuing to update the website.
  • The board members are going to read over the new documents and make corrections at the next meeting.
  • Sandy Olson will schedule the Dumpsters.


Complete WEHA Minutes April 6, 2017