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News from the Board
Upcoming Events
October 12 - Dumpster Day
8:00am (more info)
Stay tuned for more events
Pay Your Assessment
Woodson Estates yearly assessments are due 30 days from the receipt of the invoice. Pay online or mail a check addressed to WEHA, P.O. Box 16582, Raytown, Missouri 64133.
If you’re not sure what you owe, check in with Sandy Olson at (816) 405-2415 or send us a message through the contact form.
Join the Board
You can make an impact on this community! Send us a message and let us know you'd like to be involved.
Trash Bag Fundraiser
Woodson Estates sells Frontier Trash Bags as a fund raiser for the park and pool area. The money goes into a special savings account and at this time the board is hoping to raise enough to replace the roof on the shelter house and replace the playground equipment.
You can order the bags by contacting Sandy Olson, 816-405-2415 or The bags can be picked up at 12112 E 62nd Terrace Or a board member will deliver them to your home.
Each roll is $12.00.